a place I put stuff
The Square Root of Christmas
March 5th is the Square Root of Christmas.

The Sqrt(xmas) logo
I just wanted to make the announcement, if anyone happened to be unaware. The reason for the holiday, if you haven’t guessed already, is because sqrt(1225) = 35. Translating those numbers into calendar dates gives us the square root of Christmas 12/25 falling on 3/5. It just so happens that there is another big nerd holiday in March, Pi Day (3/14). Why not connect these two dates with a week(ish) long nerd celebration? I hereby declare that:
- March 5th shall be known as the Square Root of Christmas
- The 10-day interval between the Square Root of Christmas and Pi Day shall be known as Nerdigras
This page originally appeared at since I’ve moved my blog, I’m also moving this page. This page ( should be considered canonical.