Lenses 101 (for me)
Posted on April 30, 2014
Note: This is a short commentary on the new wreq library. These comments were directed at my coworkers, but I thought they’d be interesting here. This post is literate Haskell, you should be able to cut-n-paste.
I think a big reason why I’m so stoked about this is that it’s a solid library that’s offering a lens-based API (something that I think will show up more and more as time goes on). I’m still digging into them, but lenses are sort of like the “.” (dot) from Ruby, but implemented as a library and infinitely more flexible:
your basic “getter” is ^. (carrot-dot, aka “view”) It lets you “view” things:
-- basic "Person" data
data Person = Person {_fn::String, _ln::String, _email::String} deriving Show
me :: Person
me = Person {_fn="Chris", _ln="Wilson", _email="chris@bendyworks.com"}
$(makeLenses ''Person) -- autogen the getters/setters
And using it to view inside the Person datatype:
Next you’ve got your “setter” (it just updates, non-destructively returning a new thing), also called “set”:
ex3 = set fn "Christopher" me
-- Person {_fn = "Christopher", _ln = "Wilson", _email = "chris@bendyworks.com"}
or saying it with operators (the & above is reverse function application, the function on the right is applied to the data on the left, kinda like a shell pipeline):
ex4 = me & fn.~"Christopher"
-- Person {_fn = "Christopher", _ln = "Wilson", _email = "chris@bendyworks.com"}
“But Chris!” you interject, “that’s just lame-o ‘.’ that’s in Ruby ALREADY! Show me some lazer-beam stuff!” Okay, lenses also do traversing! That is you can get/set a bunch of things at once:
-- bendyworks
data Bendyworks = Bendyworks {_employees::[Person]} deriving Show
$(makeLenses ''Bendyworks)
-- some setting up
bendy = Bendyworks {_employees =
[ Person "Amy" "Unger" "amy@bendyworks.com"
-- ...
, Person "Will" "Strinz" "will@bendyworks.com"
]} -- all employees (imagine)
Now we traverse over the employees field of the Bendyworks structure, and we can compose a getter with that!
ex5 = bendy ^.. employees.traversed.fn
-- ["Amy", ..., "Will"]
ex6 = bendy ^.. employees.traversed.email
-- ["amy@bendyworks.com", ..., "will@bendyworks.com"]
The thing that’s kinda cool is that “employees.traversed.fn” forms a sort-of lens on the whole Bendyworks datatype, letting us walk over it and pull out values. The traversal is a first-class thing (those ’.’s in the name are just plain-old function composition!). We can store it and use it as a new accessor:
emails :: Traversal' Bendyworks String
emails = employees.traversed.email
ex7 = bendy ^.. emails
-- [...] -- just like above
They’re really composable! You can set a traversal with your old friend .~ (set):
ex8 = bendy & emails .~ "[HIDDEN]"
-- Bendyworks {_employees = [Person {_fn="Amy",...,_email="[HIDDEN]"}, ...]}
That’s simultaneously setting the emails of all Bendyworkers to the string “[HIDDEN]”. Notice how, if you squint, it’s like the .~ is a SUPER-DOT that can set a bunch of stuff at once. I think it is way cool. I’m just starting to look at the lens library and it’s big. There are tons of functions in there and a lot ground covered. But I think that as time goes on this will become pretty common. Functional getters and setters FTW!